
If no two pages on your website have the same title, you only need to set the parent titles to fix the hierarchy. You can also have the same title on pages that have no children, provided that they have different parent pages.

If two parents have the same title, but different grandparents, you can set their grand_parent titles to distinguish between their parents. The grand_parent title needs to be the same as the parent of the parent.

Example: distinguishing parents with grand_parent

title: T
parent: S
grand_parent: X
title: T
parent: S
grand_parent: Y

The ancestor field of a page generalizes grand_parent to higher levels.

The following pages illustrate parent disambiguation using grand_parent and ancestor titles. Some descendants of both Page X and Page Y have the same title, so references to those descendants as parent always require disambiguation.

  • X is a parent page
  • S is the only child of X. The parent reference to X is unambiguous.
  • T is the only child of S. Its parent is disambiguated by its grand_parent.
  • U is the only child of T. Its parent is disambiguated by its ancestor.
  • Y is a sibling of X.
  • S is the only child of Y. The parent reference to Y is unambiguous.
  • T is the only child of S. Its parent is disambiguated by its ancestor
  • U is the only child of T. Its parent is disambiguated by its ancestor.

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