Excluding Pages

For specific pages that you do not wish to include in the main navigation (e.g., a 404 page or a landing page) set nav_exclude: true in their front matter.

Example: using nav_exclude

layout: default
title: 404
nav_exclude: true
permalink: /404

The nav_exclude parameter does not affect the breadcrumbs, nor the lists of child pages, which you can use to access pages excluded from the main navigation.

Pages with no title are automatically excluded from the main navigation, except when they are in collections (where Jekyll provides default titles based on file names).

Child pages are automatically excluded from the main navigation when their parent page is excluded.

It is currently possible to exclude all the child pages of a page from the main navigation by setting has_children: false in its front matter. However, the has_children parameter may be ignored altogether in a future release, so it is better to use the nav_exclude parameter on each child page.